Rocking Chair Therapy
I am a rocker. Not of the musical genre, but rather of the rocking chair persuasion. I have a passion for rocking chairs. Their ability to relax me, the sense of nostalgia they bring and okay, I admit it, the way they look on my front porch.
In this business I come across a lot of tales about rocking from customers and friends. I once had a conversation with a teacher who had used our Aunt Annie Rocker in his classroom to help students with ADD and ADHD to better adapt and focus in the learning environment. I found more and more people were using rocking as a therapy for various ailments. That led me to an internet search where I found research, personal accounts, insights from therapists, and historical references all related to the therapeutic benefits of rocking.
These bits and pieces of information were scattered all over the place and didn’t have a central place to call home. I was so compelled to share my “Eureka!” with the world so I have gathered this information about the non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical approaches of Rocking Chair Therapy.
I hope you find this information as interesting as I did and hope it serves you well. Tell others about it and by all means, rock. And rock often!
Jean Land
Troutman Chair Company

Rocking Chair Benefits from Pregnancy to Infancy
We are all familiar with the theories and results of using cradles and rockers to calm babies and ease them off to sleep. We have run across research proposing that the rocking of babies by their mothers is not only soothing but crucial in the bonding process between...
Rocking for Post-Operative Recovery & “Speed Healing”
Dr. Heinrich Addleheim of the Kinetic Therapy Clinic says that with regular rocking, “‘the body settles into a natural rhythm that harnesses incredible powers of recuperation and regeneration”.
Relieving Back Pain with Rocking Chair Therapy
In 1953, Dr. Janet Travell from New York purchased what she called the “Carolina Rocker” for her office from P. & P. Chair Company in North Carolina – now part of Troutman Chair Co. A patient of Dr. Travell’s, a young senator from Massachusetts, suffered from...
Calming ADHD Symptoms with Rocking
Get a rocking chair. The rhythm can be calming. Place it in a quiet spot where your child can sit to read.
Kinetic Therapy of Rocking Relieves Arthritis
I’ve seen people bedridden with arthritis who were up and around inside a week after regular use of the rocking chair. It’s not just a piece of furniture, it’s a remarkable medical device!
Rocking Chair Relief for Alzheimer’s and Dementia
The latest study “Management of Acute Distress with Rocking Chair Therapy”, funded by the New York State Department of Health, evaluated a method for improving the psychological well being of nursing home residents with severely progressed dementia. The study suggested that the mild exercise of rocking may release endorphins and improve mood as well as reduce pain.